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Showing posts from 2011

My precious friends ♥

          I have always hang out with you guys, AJ, ADI and ALEX. Its been awhile since I hang out with you guys. Today for a change I hang out with my 'other friends'. I think you all know who I'm talking about.Don't laugh. Its tiring being with them but I had a wonderful time with them. I am saying this now because I miss being with you guys and I prefer going out with you guys and not with my 'other guys'.I know that you guys are all busy because of assignments and group work (whatever its called) but when you all have time do call or text me.AJ THANK YOU FOR CALLING AND TEXTING ME FREQUENTLY NOT LIKE THE OTHER TWO DOINKS..         Oh ya, AJ I'm sorry i couldn't get you a present for your birthday and  ALEX thank you for buying me STARBUCKS.. To tell the truth I was surprised when you bought me one because every time when AJ or I ask you for one, you would say NO MONEY,BANKRUPT LA or NO MONEY NO TALK!! When I told AJ she was shocked and I believe she


  Its been a while since i talked about stress. All this time i have been talking about Deepavali and holidays but there are too much of stress to handle for me now. Well you might ask back its year end what causes you stress but the reason i am stress is because its year end!! Well let me explain in detailed. Firstly i don't know what;s my position in class , i know the position but there were changes so i am not sure now. Then i have few pending projects which i have to finish everything by this friday and all the paperwork too. Doing the activity is fun but paper works!! never fun for me.  AHHHH!!! This is depressing and I am not going to talk about it anymore... ~ weheeee~ just updating my blog so that it won't look so dead :)

That Woman

A woman loves you, She's trying her best at love, Following you like a shadow everyday, That woman is laughing and crying She shouts out in her heart! How much longer do I have to keep looking at you like this? Alone... This love that came like the wind,this beggar love If I continue this way,will you love me? Such miserable love! How much longer do I have to continue this for you to love me? Just come a little nearer, One step closer but flee with 2 legs, I who love you am next to you now. That woman who comes. That woman is cautions. That's why you have to learn to smile. What she can't tell her best friend, her heart full of tears. That's why, that's why When she loved you the same way, Yet another fool, another fool like you, Can't hug her before you go. I want to receive love. Everyday in my heart, just in my heart, I shout and that woman is next to me again. Will you ever love me?

A story about a married couple

My husband is an Engineer ... by profession, I love him for his steady nature, and I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders. Three years of courtship and now, two years into marriage, I would have to admit, that I am getting tired of it. The reasons of me loving him before, has now transformed into the cause of all my restless. I am a sentimental woman and extremely sensitive when it comes to a relationship and my feelings, I yearn for the romantic moments, like a little girl yearning for candy. My husband, is my complete opposite, his lack of sensitivity, and the inability of bringing romantic moments into our marriage has disheartened me about love. One day, I finally decided to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce. “Why?” he asked, shocked. “I am tired, there are no reasons for everything in the world!” I answered. He kept silent the whole night, seems to be in deep thought with a lighted cigarette at all times. My feeling of disapp

Fun time with cousins

Everyone has fun when their with their cousins and also with family members. There are no limits how much fun we can have when we are with them just like me. No one can describe how much fun we can have when we are with them , words are not enough to describe those wonderful moments. There are no rules when we are with cousins. Here are some pictures of my cousins craziness : all my cousins with baby Isyanee posing again posing at the entrance posing in front of the map >.< posing!! click with gangsta baby at swan ride

Lost World

Everyone knows that Deepavali is a celebration of lights and also a  joyous celebration.All my relatives stayed in my house. The best part was there was a little girl who is just 7months with us.Well you guys know that she is my cutest niece,the one and only SHWETA ISYANEE..All the cousins and my brother-in-law went to Lost World Tambun. We went there in the morning around 11.45am and came back home at 6.45pm.We had a lot of fun and also got sunburned. Here are some pictures of our fun and adventurous  journey at Lost World :     walking towards the entrance posing at the entrance of lost world with so much of effort he is releasing the air inside the dolphin baby isyanee crying because momma don't want to give her car baby isyanee fight for her car >.< posing for the camera. anyone need a ride?? Not only this, there are many more pictures so check it out in my facebook page :)

Who is a girl?

Who is a girl? Anyone knows the answer for my question? Everyone has a different opinion about girls just like me. My opinion about girls: ♥ A GIRL is the most beautiful part of Gods creation... ♥ Sh e starts compromising at a very tender age... ♥ She sacrifices her chocolates for her brother... ♥ Later she sacrifices her love for just a smile on her parents face... ♥ She sacrifices her Comfort and desires for her In-Laws... ♥ She sacrifices her full youth for her husband and children without complain... ♥ And finally her life ends up only by compromising for others happiness... ♥ She is that creature of God who no one can compete... ♥ Respect every girl/lady in your life. You will never know what she has sacrificed for you...♥♥♥

My outings

            There's this place where I and my friends hang out to release stress after a hard week..Its a wonderful place and its popular among teenagers.That place is called IPOH PARADE,hehehe I know i am just describing that place too much like its a palace.                Having an outing with friends to parade is fun especially if your going to be crazy with them. eating sushi every time we go parade is awesome and you get be nuts for one day after being normal for the whole week..If you ask me non of my friends are normal.They all are people who are nuts and love eating peanuts and that line rhymes..Here are the pictures of my crazymates who i always hang out with : EE KEI LYI ANN      EE KEI again..aish!! suka suka pose aje


Well all the school has graduation party for form 5's just like my school. I was on duty to be the photographer with two of my friends Melissa and Wai Leng. Our graduation was held at Tower Regency Hotel. This year's graduation party went well as usual and we had a lot of fun with all the form 5's and also teachers.. To tell the truth I didn't know teachers can be a teenager sometimes..its was kinda surprising to me when teacher's talk to you so casually but at school he or she can be super strict. Not only that , I also got to know some people's true character as tomboys wore dress and those girly ones wore like guys. This year's graduation party gave everyone who came to the party a surprise. Here are some pictures : hot chicks!! poser XD   pretty ladies walking in just like a model I saw pretty ladies everywhere that day.The ballroom would have been a paradise for guys if they have came. Not only that, my friends and I were being syok se

Fractured arm

     It’s been awhile since I updated everyone here about my life...Well there are plenty of stories I would like to tell you all. Something interesting happened, one of my friend fractures his left arm because he met a road accident and I took him 3 weeks plus to heal and not even 1 week he fractured that same arm because he slipped and fell. Everyone was wondering how he fractured his arm again and guess what he said I step on some fruit skin and slip and fell. When I told this to my friend EK at school she laughed out loud till we got scolding from teacher and glares from out classmates because we were having exam and it’s about start in another 5 minutes.. I know people might think why we are chit chatting when your exam is about to start to tell you all the truth we were DEAD BORED because it was civic exam... This is all for this visit in the next visit I will share more about what happened in my life :D

Life's Beautiful

I love rainbows , rain and the stars because they have the power to attract people towards them ♥♥♥♥  


Had a fun time shopping with aunts and sister..Well shopping with sister was fun enough as we were taking photographs of our self in the fitting room forgetting about people waiting outside to try their clothes on..
I think i am missing something important in my life but i have no idea what is it.Well maybe i am waiting for some miracle to happen and help me discover what is it in near future..Well being the presi is not an easy job plus the task given is too complicated that I need few people with me to finish that certain task..AISH!!


My sister gave birth to a cute baby girl on the 9th March 2011..She is going to name her baby girl SHWETA ISYANEE.Her first baby girl and an addition to our family.. =D  Some photos: the flash made her eyes look scary...


I am so damn holidays suck!! usually school holidays would be fun but this time its full of homework..why do people tend to change things when they come to a different place?? i don't understand this at all..
My heart beats faster when I say your name All I struggle is to live with you When you look at me, I be the rain I will be the tears in your Love What will I be without you I will burn to ashes You won me by your beauty You seized me by your look You gave meaning to my birth as a girl You gave me blushes which I didn't know earlier My world was lone, you came with flowers Oh my love, with my pursuing dreams What will I be without you  I will burn to ashes  Your black tress feels like a flute The whole life I will spend whispering to your ears  All I need is to rest on your chest All my worries will disappear then Other than your Love, I have nothing Oh my love, nothing other than that What will I be without you  I will burn to ashes 
Before your story telling eyes, I wonder what to speak,dear Desire seethes, I feel feverish, Before your story telling eyes.. I wonder what to tell,dear Love boils me.. I fell feverish!! Without my knowledge.. My legs floats somewhere, Its neither dark nor bright Yet the sky is colourful... Before your telling eyes, I wonder what to speak,dear Desire seethes, I feel feverish, I fell your fragrance, everywhere i go to.. Every moment with you is sweet.. Home is just not made of sand and bricks, It is made of love only.. Lying on the floor and looking at the sky is superb.. but seeing you is even better.. Your lap is  the place where i feel very comfortable!! Before your telling eyes, I wonder what to speak,dear Desire seethes, I feel feverish, My world starts with you and ends there. My days rise to watch your face and enjoy.. We shall be children in night's lap We should get into the depth of darkness Your agony will inflame as fire, In the rain the whole fire will


Love, like you, need to be experience with a relaxed heart, but at some sense, a heart that also induce strength because you, like the splendor of love, is fiery and at times, times like now, highly confusing and excruciatingly entertaining. Love, like you, is under-appreciated and like the waterfalls in high mountains, you, the beauty in nature, should be recognized beyond godliness or divinity. You, like love…like the beauty of God’s creation, needs to be appreciated and caressed with hands made of sweet chocolates and perfumed roses. You, like love, is my only conscience; my only bittersweet existence.

Brother's wedding

        In all religion wedding is a big event where all family members will get together..My brother Vinood got married on the 6th of February 2011,which falls on a Sunday and if i am not mistaken it is 1 day before school reopens after 9 days of school holiday for Chinese New Year..The wedding was help at Tapah which my brother's hometown. I went to his house 3 days before so that i can help them out with the preparations and also he was suppose to teach me add maths!!!        Well for indians they have some kind of ceremonies 2days before the wedding which is called nalengge.On the first day of the nalengge its the mother one where all mothers will do for him..if you are not an indian high changes that you don't understand...some pictures from day 1: this what they will give after the ceremony well it was the same also the 2nd day but 2nd day was all aunties doing..some pictures: At last the day came where my brother got married..some pictures from that mem