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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Flower

The beautiful, little flower sat upon the hill, Surrounded and protected by the other plants, Its vibrant colours, a calling to others. Pilgrimage of animals, day by day, To worship- to bask in its glory. It still stands there, with all its pride. Living beautifully everyday, spreading joy to everyone. But then one day it realized, that someday that time will come, When it will have to wither, and will slowly have to die, It did not want to lose its beauty, nor did it want to disappear. The flower wanted to continue, To be worshiped and idolized for its looks, It still stands there, with all its pride. Living beautifully everyday, spreading jo to everyone. The flower finally realized what it had to do, The little flower began to absorb, All the nutrients from everything around, Everything that used to live around that little flower, Began to lose energy and started to wither away, It still stands there with all its greed, Living beautifully everyday, taking joy fr


Each way i look, there's someone better looking.  More bold features.  Brighter smile.  I try to keep my smile, but then i see theirs.  It starts as a hallow hole in my chest.  Then i look a different way, and that hallow hole fills envy. Try the other way.  The hole turns in a black hole. A swarming abyss filled with no self-esteem, no self-worth and desire to be someone, anyone else. Then i turn and see a mirror. I see flaw after flaw. I turn the envy for better looking to hatred for myself. But what if; Each way i look, I see someone like me.  Someone who loves the sun and hates gas prices.  Someone had a bad day last week, someone eager for the weekends.  What if i didn't hate their bright smile, but returned one?  Instead of a hallow hole, I felt a beating heart, just like theirs.  And a compliment that made theirs beat faster, and mine grow larger.  If i turn the other way and open a door for a woman who needed a friend. Turn a

Perfectly Me

Never listen to anyone that says you need to change something about yourself! The only person you to please is you, and you're perfect just the way you are. Believe in yourself, for your difference are what makes you stand out. See the blemish on your face, Everyone tells you to erase, But you seem to think, While you're on the brink, That blemish is your own grace. See that bend on your stance, Noticeable in just one glance, Heal it, they say, Make it go away, But you carry on with you prance. See that frizz in your hair, That one that makes people stare, ''Look at that awful mane, Walking around she looks insane!'' But this is the only style you can bear. See that extra fat on your thighs, Where all the food you eat lies, They tell you to lose that weight, Then you'll start to look great, But here you're content with you're size. See the strength that you have within you, That one that makes you believe in, How you look