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Showing posts from July, 2015

Tibi Magno Cum Amor

But my love, You don't know how much i missed you. The immature, carefree version of you. You used to laugh at everything and smirk at inappropriate jokes. Now you're just there. The distance between you and your friends goes for miles and miles. You only smile from time to time, Yet it is never genuine. But my love, You're like faded, ink blotched pages. The story's there, but it's unreadable. The adventure's still there, yet it's practically a blob on black ink. Just so you know my love, I think i loved you at your best ( when you were happy  ) But i'm a hundred percent sure, That my love for you has done nothing but amplified ( when you become sad  ). Oh, my love. I'll say thus a hundred times ( in my head of course  ). I'm in love with your quirks and your flaws. I'm in love with your smile and your tears. I'm in love with your dark brown eyes and your frown. I'm in love with your

The Flower

The beautiful, little flower sat upon the hill, Surrounded and protected by the other plants, Its vibrant colours, a calling to others. Pilgrimage of animals, day by day, To worship- to bask in its glory. It still stands there, with all its pride. Living beautifully everyday, spreading joy to everyone. But then one day it realized, that someday that time will come, When it will have to wither, and will slowly have to die, It did not want to lose its beauty, nor did it want to disappear. The flower wanted to continue, To be worshiped and idolized for its looks, It still stands there, with all its pride. Living beautifully everyday, spreading joy to everyone.

I'm only human

When I was little, I always thought of life as a fairy tail, where I'd be living in a pink-colored world; where everything was rainbow, butterflies, happiness and perfection.  Everybody was happy; everybody was nice and kind to everyone else. Now, as I grow up, I realize, as a matter of fact, that life is not even close to this. I realize that life isn't perfect and that nobody is perfect. That perfection, in this world is a myth. Sometimes, the weirdest things happen at the m ost unexpected places and moments. You find out that there's not only happiness, joy and kindness in this world, but pain, harshness and tears. It also came down to me, that you can get hurt; you can cry and you can get your heart broken a million times, but that's not what matters the most. What really matters is the reaction you decide to have. Whether you decide to let pain that you're feeling consume you and tear you apart, or, decide to let that pain strengthen you, to let it teach you le