There was once a beautiful girl. With all the beauty you could possess in the world.
Her hair as dark, as the summer night, her eyes, beautiful green and bright.
The beautiful girl you could say, was as nice, as a bright sunny day.
She wore the most dazzling dresses, best jewelry and such, but only thing her heart yearned form was a true mans touch.
She ached and quaked, and felt deep inside, " i want a true hearted man to be my pride!"
So she got up and went out, and gathered some men, do you know what happened then?
She eliminated the too tall, the to fat, the too thin. She wanted a true hearted man, a handsome man, like it was a fearless sin,
So she picked the unattractive and politely said "No", until all that was left was what could be described as, dashingly, sexy, row.
Rugged and good looking, and what great smiles, these men were so perfect to look at, she nearly went wild.
She pondered and pondered until she could ponder no more. She walked up to one man and said, "This one I adore!".
She grabbed his arm as they ran off to their date, she ran real fast, she just could not wait.
They went on a picnic as happy as can be, laughing, and joking, and drinking her favorite flavored tea.
Then the beauty began to see, the man she had chosen was not what she hoped him to be.
He was joking and joking without serious thought. She realized then, "Oh god! This guy is a crackpot!"
She finished her date, and told him it was over, and back to the line she went, this time, she would think it more over.
She chose her new man and went on their date, as she thought to herself, "This must be fate!".
They went to a beach and sat in the sand, drinking wine and feeling real grand.
They talked for hours, about everything they liked, until the woman did notice, the man was obsessed with a "good fight!".
The conversation weakened as he began to bore, so much, so the beautiful girl began to snore.
The girl grew bored and called it a night. When they came together, she told the man, "This isn't working out quite right."
Back to the line she went with doubt, she wasn't sure anymore, so she said, "I'm out!".
Then the girl took a walk, down an empty road and thought to herself, "To whom with, will I grow old?"
Then she noticed someone curious, standing in the street. She thought to herself, " Maybe we could meet?"
So she approached the man slowly but surely, she asked his name, "Peter" he said "Peter Morley"
He wasn't the most handsome or charming as such, but she couldn't help but be curious, "Does he hold the touch?"
So she asked him on a date and off they went. The time they had, was time well spent.
They laughed, and joked and talked for hours. The man was so romantic, he bought her a bouquet of bright red flowers.
At the end of the date she said goodnight, she knew in her heart, this man was right.
She kissed him sweetly and the sparks flew, and in that moment...
She knew it to be true.
She asked herself, "How can it be...The man who held my heart, was the man I chose not to see?"
Beauty holds nothing without the heart
Her hair as dark, as the summer night, her eyes, beautiful green and bright.
The beautiful girl you could say, was as nice, as a bright sunny day.
She wore the most dazzling dresses, best jewelry and such, but only thing her heart yearned form was a true mans touch.
She ached and quaked, and felt deep inside, " i want a true hearted man to be my pride!"
So she got up and went out, and gathered some men, do you know what happened then?
She eliminated the too tall, the to fat, the too thin. She wanted a true hearted man, a handsome man, like it was a fearless sin,
So she picked the unattractive and politely said "No", until all that was left was what could be described as, dashingly, sexy, row.
Rugged and good looking, and what great smiles, these men were so perfect to look at, she nearly went wild.
She pondered and pondered until she could ponder no more. She walked up to one man and said, "This one I adore!".
She grabbed his arm as they ran off to their date, she ran real fast, she just could not wait.
They went on a picnic as happy as can be, laughing, and joking, and drinking her favorite flavored tea.
Then the beauty began to see, the man she had chosen was not what she hoped him to be.
He was joking and joking without serious thought. She realized then, "Oh god! This guy is a crackpot!"
She finished her date, and told him it was over, and back to the line she went, this time, she would think it more over.
She chose her new man and went on their date, as she thought to herself, "This must be fate!".
They went to a beach and sat in the sand, drinking wine and feeling real grand.
They talked for hours, about everything they liked, until the woman did notice, the man was obsessed with a "good fight!".
The conversation weakened as he began to bore, so much, so the beautiful girl began to snore.
The girl grew bored and called it a night. When they came together, she told the man, "This isn't working out quite right."
Back to the line she went with doubt, she wasn't sure anymore, so she said, "I'm out!".
Then the girl took a walk, down an empty road and thought to herself, "To whom with, will I grow old?"
Then she noticed someone curious, standing in the street. She thought to herself, " Maybe we could meet?"
So she approached the man slowly but surely, she asked his name, "Peter" he said "Peter Morley"
He wasn't the most handsome or charming as such, but she couldn't help but be curious, "Does he hold the touch?"
So she asked him on a date and off they went. The time they had, was time well spent.
They laughed, and joked and talked for hours. The man was so romantic, he bought her a bouquet of bright red flowers.
At the end of the date she said goodnight, she knew in her heart, this man was right.
She kissed him sweetly and the sparks flew, and in that moment...
She knew it to be true.
She asked herself, "How can it be...The man who held my heart, was the man I chose not to see?"
Beauty holds nothing without the heart
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