Hi there. Its been sometime since i wrote anything here. There had been this emptiness in me that i didn't know how to fill them up. Feels like the emptiness won over whatever I had built. But then i realized, I just needed to overcome the fear in me. And I did. This one goes to the emptiness i felt once.
Emptiness was looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that you will never be society's definition of perfect. You walk around like a corpse, feeling your soul fade away every second, and there is nothing to do about it. There is nothing you want to do about it.
Emptiness tasted like a gum that has lost it's taste. Yet you keep on chewing because you're too lazy to spit it out and take another one. Your mouth is disgusted by the taste, and you are torturing the muscle in your stomach by faking the though of eating. You keep on chewing, just for the sake of it.
Emptiness sounds like your parents talking about your grades, and how they need to get higher. You have heard them talk about it so many times that when they open their mouth to begin to speak, you already mute the words about to come out.
And that is how I feel, my love, every second of every day.
To be honest, the emptiness that we feel sometimes is just the fear we have in us when someone very dear to us leaves us. Its either they don't talk to us or we just had an argument with them. Breath in and out. Then, think on how you can patch back up. Let them go and if they come back to you again, make sure you never them go away ever again because whatever you let go comes back you makes the fight to hold on more worth it. Trust me. Been there. Done that.
I still love you every second of every day. I just need you to realize that and fight back for me. For us.
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